Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chinese Jesuits and Crown connection

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, representing the rising bipolar world has been received by the Queen on the first full day of his official visit to the UK.
Mr Li has also been holding talks with David Cameron in Downing Street.
Chinese Jesuits investment in nuclear energy, high-speed rail and North Sea oil was high on the diplomatic agenda when Chinese premier Li Keqiang (a Li Illuminati bloodline) visited the UK this week, building on what he has described as an “indispensable partnership” between the two countries.

Lord Sassoon, Council of 300 member, Order of the Garter of the Crown and chairman of the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) told The Telegraph that securing more Chinese investment for critical UK infrastructure will be an important element of Mr Li’s three-day tour, which will include meetings with The Queen and U. K. Prime Minister, David Cameron.

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