Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Floating Cities of the Future

Solution Description

In a world where almost every square inch of land seems occupied thanks to the Empire UN Agenda 21 Human settlement zone program that cause the population explosion and rampant urbanization around the globe, it is no wonder that our imaginations take us to the high seas when we think of adventure, freedom and new frontiers. The floating ‘Lilypad‘ concept above illustrates one possible method of escaping urban sprawl with a series of entire mobile cities.

Hydroponic floating city, a cheaper version financed by theInternational Fixed Exchange Rates, Interest Free Public Credit System.

For our case of increasing freshwater reservoirs capacity, floating city is the ideal solution to upgrade the lifestyle of people displaced. The real advantage is that city and infrastructure treats by flooding, drought, landslide, Earthquake, wildfire, famine, war and pestilence will be things of the past if properly designed, maintained and protected.

How will it improve our quality of life?

Floating cities would help to reduce population density in urban areas, particularly in the Capital cities and coastal regions, by offering additional real estate space (housing, mixed use, etc.) on a self-contained platform that is not dependent on limited land area.

Triple Bottom Line Benefits

Many concepts for floating cities incorporate sustainability with population explosion, eliminating Empire UN Agenda 21 and their other Eugenics,  into their design, including such features as solar and wind power, passive cooling, and self-contained gardens to feed inhabitants.

Issues, Barriers and Opportunities?

One of the most significant challenges facing the concept of floating cities on freshwater reservoirs, if based on the Empire fake ponzy scheme fiat currency system, is the sheer debt it would create to the country both to develop and to construct such structures. Research and development costs for such a structure could easily run into the billions of dollars, not to mention the cost of building a floating city. However, floating cities provide a unique opportunity to reduce population strain in urban centers and open up land that might have been used for housing for other purposes, such as agriculture or even biodiversity reserves and in our case, the expansion of freshwater reserves to satisfy the population explosion. However, if the International Fixed Exchange Rates, Interest Free Public Credit System can be implemented, backed by future commodities created by SEAWAPA such as freshwater, electricity, healthy foods, high quality goods & services and improved knowhow, such construction is within humanity immediate reach. The floating cities across the reservoir will solve the conflict of land reclamation to increase freshwater volume on different phases.

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